A journey meant to be shared

Many people over a span of five years often saw me on my daily morning walks. And over the years, I guess I became a familiar sight to those driving by because some began to wave hello to me. I would wave back and think that they would probably be surprised to learn that I was doing much more than just walking my dog. I was writing a book. For with each step, I was formulating in my mind the events and emotions I would be writing about when I returned home. I started out every morning with Dawson’s dog, Harley, walking to and from Valley Memorial Park. 

I chose my destination not only because of its sense of peacefulness or because it was convenient to my home. I walked there to visit Dawson. And I prayed for him and for the graces it would take to write about his three months in intensive-care as we all waited for a heart for him that never came. But the story I so wanted to share was not about the painful times we all had endured through his illness. It was about the sheer unexpected beauty we encountered, the fulfillment of love expressed and the amazing blessings of a rekindled faith.

If you’d like to learn more about the journey that is Dawson’s Gift please contact me at andrea@dawsonsgift.com

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